We offer a global service, from research and development to mass production.

Electronics, mechanics and software design … Our engineers and experts support you in the development and manufacture of your innovative product. We offer a global service, adapted to each stage of the realization of your project. If this is your need, we can focus on a single phase of the process, or deliver customized expertise.


Project technical and economic qualification. Risk management. Project scheduling.


Electronic, software and mechanical design. Safety and secured design.


Manufacturing with the control of economic, regulatory and reproducibility constraints.

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about our expertise

Electronic manufacturing

Electronic boards and harnesses


Integration of mechatronic subsets and complete products in series.


Design and implementation of functional tests. After-sales and maintenance in operational conditions.

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about our expertise

We do beautiful things

The passion for innovation, the synergy of expertise
Whether large international groups or start-ups, our clients choose us for our unique agility in project management and our interdisciplinary expertise which allows us to deliver turnkey products.

Industry / Air control

State panel system

Supervisor for instrument landing system design and maintenance


Household drug making machine


Design and manufacture of a medical device


Sensor network

Design and manufacture of a custom sensor network

Aerospace / Research

Electronics for stratospheric balloon

Embedded electronics design and manufacture



Thanks to Creative & Crossway, we were able to go beyond existing concepts and solutions on the market. We have developed a medical device that is unique in the world thanks to their experience, but also to their creativity and their development skills.

Philippe Bordeau, Vice-President Innovation & Business Development - ALAXIA/realisations/micro-bioreacteur-a-usage-domestique/
20 November 2019

Creative Eurecom wins the Innovation Prize 2019 from the newspaper ‘Courrier de l’Ouest’

For the past four years, the newspaper 'Courrier de l' Ouest 'has been rewarding companies that make Maine-et-Loire dynamic. The 2019 winners received their prize at the newspaper's headquarters on…
27 June 2019

Creative Eurecom Winner in the “Health” category at the Technical Day of Electronics, Paris June 27th, 2019

Creative Eurecom received the “health” category trophy  for its micro-bioreactor for domestic use at the  22nd edition of 'Electrons d’Or' organized by the newspaper ElectroniqueS. Developing an effective treatment for…
Global Industrie Awards realisation exemplaire
7 March 2019

Global Industrie Awards : Creative receives ‘Exemplary Achievement Award’

For the second consecutive year, the Global Industrie exhibition, held at the Eurexpo park in Lyon from 5 to 8 March 2019, has awarded its Global Industrie Awards. Awards that…

We are technology lovers

The OEM Development Group is made up of 50 employees who share the same passion: high technology. Creative and daring women and men who have enabled the OEM group to develop unique know-how and expertise. In 30 years, we have established ourselves on the market for electronic, mechanical and software systems, evolving towards technological excellence.

Let’s work on your product!